Vision and goals
Our mission is to help you experience the miracle of life with Laughter. Our Laughter Programmes such as CardioLaugh, Laughter Therapy and Laughter Yoga experience is truly remarkable and we developed an easy and most enjoyable set of unique Laughter workouts and activities that fits to make a better, healthier and lovable you. Laughter is widespread and our social enterprise and social movement has profound internationally following to promote a positive self-esteem, exercise and good health using Laughter Therapy as a way to empower people across different nationalities, age, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic status, so as to achieved happiness and progress for our growing community of Laughter practitioners around the world. Dedicated to Mr Srinu and Yahweh Pang Sok Hay., G.B
Dr of Laughter.VAN RAM (Sri, Melech, Sultan)
"If you ever experienced the joy of Laughing, this is the right programme for you!" if you are laughing than you are ruling (non-binary ascension sensi).
I am your faithful Collaborator, Admiral.
Dr Laughs. Van Ram (Laughter Therapist Ram_ Laughing King) ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ, 王, Sri Maharaja, Melech, Sultan, Herrscher, Rainier, مَلِكِي, Malik (مَلِكِي), Emir (أمیر دولة قطر), Druk, Gyalpo, Abdullah, Ngwenyama, Vicar, Morena, Konge, Sheikh, Koning, Roi, König, Groussherzog, Kung, Roi, Rey, Re, Kuningas, Król, король (korol), βασιλιάς (vasiliás), Rege, Král, Kráľ, Király, король (korol), mbret, राजा (raja), রাজা (raja), 国王, 왕 (wang), กษัตริย์ (phra rahatcha), Rei, Vua, Kral, Mfalme, Inkosi, Tlahtoāni, Sapa Inca, Ọba, Eze, Hari, Mōʻī, Woli, Ajaw, Reĝo, qaQ jajvam, Kaisar, Huangdi, Chieftain.

Featured on..
Mediacorp Channel 8 and 5, Channel News Asia, Channel U, Vasantham Central, LianHe Zaobao, Shin Min Daily News, Berita Harian, Straits Times, 938Live, Niyou magazine, Razor TV, Sutra and many other publications.
Referred to by Popular Media As the Laughing King (Sri) (Melech) (Sultan)!
Principal Laughter Therapist Van Ram is also known for his prized role as the Doctor of Laughter, Van Ram on popular TV show Rojak (Mediacorp Channel 5) & Channel 8 Personality
- Researcher and Contributor to COVID-19 solutions (inter alia Hydroxychloroquine & Ascorbic Acid, Fulvic Acid and various Phytochemicals, SpO2 measurement in medical device)
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (Reg S072141)
- Course Rep Physio
- Cand. Physiotherapy
- PDc Medical Technologist (Medical Technology & Informatics), Health Specialist, M.ED NTU., G.Dip A*STAR Research Institute., B.Sc Hons., S.DipOHS., Dip HS
- Gelotologist (Play to Achieve Mindset)
- Researcher and Practitioner of Complementary Therapies
- Founder of Singapore Laughter Yoga & Maximum Wellness
- Skills Future Award Recipient
- Trained by Medical Physician MBBS, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher (Master)
- Mindful and Positive Psychology movement
- Former I/O Psychology Consultant, Health Promotion Board & SpringSG
- Health Management & Promotion Practitioner
- Essential Counseling Skills, SGH-Postgraduate Allied Health Institute
- Trained in (CGH-ACSM)
- Award of Participation from Professor Fatimah Lateef, M.D for contributions to World Mental Health Day
- Trained in Multi-Cultural Framework
- UK, Certified Public Speaker and Trainer
- Qualified PA Trainer by Peoples Association Singapore, Lifestyle and Skills Division
- Winner of the Cozycotz
- Renowned Speaker for Human Productivity Programmes
- Completed other category Doctoral programs
LaughingKing Ram is the first Therapist in Singapore credited for popularising the movement with his Unique Laughter Therapy. He was also featured in Channel News Asia (CNA) for Inter-generation Bonding with C3A and Students of Republic Polytechnic Health Promotion, he is trained in Multimodality and Multiculturalism, fostering Happy and Healthy Relationships among the people!
Covid-19 Dedicated-Research: Intellectual content developed in 2023 April for COVID-19 emergent utility. Scientific Research Journal Publication
How to cite this paper: Sri, Y.V.R. (2024)
Smartphone Oximeter SPO2 Integrated
Measurement. Open Access Library
Journal, 11: e11580. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111580
Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and Open
Access Library Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
Smartphone-based Oximetry device as early healthcare detection is a technological frontier. Smartphone oximetry devices offer a convenient method for remote SpO2 monitoring and early detection of critical health issues, especially during pandemics when vital indicators are necessary. Rising healthcare demands, and the COVID-19 pandemic are recent causes necessitating the prevalence for accessible early detection tools. This research investigates smartphone oximetry device as a convenient SpO2 monitoring, crucial for identifying hypoxia, a silent risk factor in medical conditions. The selection criteria for Samsung Note 10 smartphone following the research aims to per form 1) Literature Review to analyse articles showcasing smartphone oxime try functions and importance of Photoplethysmography Sensors for accurate SpO2 measurement. 2) The smartphone (Samsung Note 10) was selected for compatibility with FDA/ISO medical device standards. 3) To develop a User Requirements Document (URD) for the chosen smartphone, outlining user needs and functionalities for optimal performance. Smartphone-derived SpO2 measurements met full FDA/ISO accuracy requirements following RMSD 2.6% vs <3.5% threshold reflected in Table 1. This aligns with the critical role of pulse oximeters in managing COVID-19 patients and detecting silent hypoxia.
Subject Areas: Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Clinical Medicine, Diagnostics
Keywords: Biosensors, Smartphone, Hypoxia, Pulse Oximeter, Photoplethysmography
Research on Laughter
This study explores the frequency of Laughter exercises in the workplace over two days and its positive effects. Intrinsic Motivation is defined as a type of motivation characterized by high Interest/enjoyment, Perceived competence, Perceived choice and low Pressure/tension, based on Self-determination theory and the IMI questionnaire, 22-items version (STD, 2015) (Annex D). Psychophysiology is another important factor of our study, it is defined as the link between body and mind (Caccioppo, Tarssinary, & Bernston, 2000), as laughter affect both physiology and psychology of people. The measures include psychological and physiological responses of a group of professionals in a Multinational Project Engineering Management Company, while they were at work (N = 43), out of which 55.8% were females and 44.2% males, working in Singapore. Participants reported no known cardiorespiratory conditions prior to the sessions. Laughter exercises were induced ranging from 3 and 6 exercises over a period of two days with the assistance of the Laughter Therapist, Van Ram (Ram, 2010). Pre- and-post measures were significant in certain aspects of physical exertion (heart rate and oxygen saturation) and intrinsic motivation. Participants psychophysiology was expected to positively improve through the laughter exercises, determined by heart rate and functional oxygen saturation of arterial haemoglobin (Sp02) using an Oximeter to measure haemoglobin saturation and heart rate index through the finger of participants. The results support the idea that laughter exercises can improve intrinsic motivation and can increase heart rate. To increase oxygen saturation, it is necessary to add a stronger focus on breathing exercises.
Applied Sciences, Health Profession
Intrinsic Motivation; Psychophysiology; Hemoglobin Saturation; Laughter Therapy; Heart Rate; Gelotology; Laughter Yoga
Year 2015-2016
Project Title Effects of Laughter Therapy on Psychophysiology (Gelotology)
Funding Agency Mr. Yahweh Pang Sok Hay
Funding Amount Kept in Confidence

Founder & Director of Maximum Wellness and Singapore Laughter Yoga Van Ram, a Training operator with Skills Future, Peoples' Association, and service provider to ActiveSG. He started with just 5 people in Singapore Little Gulin Park and soon into thousands of Laughter Training across Singapore and aboard.
Featured Laughter Therapist Ram (Laugh King ) has conducted trainings for over 50 organizations with participation from International audiences in varying industries and has reached out to hundreds of thousands of people since 2010. In his prouder moments, was invited to train over 500 Medical Doctors from various countries at the Opening of the Academia with Sing-health and Guest of Honor President of Singapore, Dr. Tony Tan, Ph.D
He also supports welfare organizations like the Singapore Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Foundation, Sliver Ribbon and many others, to provide the best Therapeutic Laughter Training for both patients and survivors of Cancer as well as other conditions which also includes Diabetes Mellitus and Trauma Patients. His belief is that Laughter is the best form of exercise for both the mind and body to create an optimal benefit of existence.

Over 500 Medical Doctors Laughing with Master Trainer Ram at the Opening of the Academia with Guest of Honor President Dr. Tony Tan PhD

Participating Organization Industry Partner, Maximum Wellness Singapore, Founder Van Ram receiving the certificate by Guest of Honour, Professor Fatimah Lateef M.D for contributions to the Mental Health Seminar 2014

Filming with Singapore Press Holdings and Razor TV to raise awareness for Laughter Yoga

Participating Organization Industry Partner, Maximum Wellness Singapore, Founder VanRam receiving the certificate by Guest of Honour, Professor Fatimah Lateef M.D for contributions to the Mental Health Day 2014

(Right) Van receiving the Train the Trainers Certificate, Founder & Director of Maximum Wellness, a collaborator and provider for Workplace Health Promotion by Health Promotion Board.
- Trained by Medical Doctor MBBS, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher
- Founder of Singapore Laughter Yoga
Founder of Maximum Wellness (International)
- UK, Certified Public Speaker and Trainer
Precipitant of Multiple Awards from Professor Fatimah Lateef